пятница, 22 апреля 2011 г.

Brodus Clay

Fierce. Forceful. Unstoppable. This is Brodus Clay, who first came to the attention of the WWE Universe as part of WWE NXT season four.

Tipping the scales at 360 pounds and standing at 6 feet 8 inches tall, the “Mastodon of Mayhem” has towered over the majority of his opponents from the start. While this makes him practically an immovable object, Clay also boasts incredible speed and agility for a man of his size.

Sometimes called "the world's biggest suplex machine," Clay grew up on the mean streets of Los Angeles and has plenty of A-list experience under his belt, as he recently worked as the bodyguard for Snoop Dogg.

In week eight of the WWE NXT competition, Clay traded in his original WWE Pros – Ted DiBiase and Maryse for Alberto Del Rio, working closely with the aristocratic Superstar's personal ring announcer, Ricardo Rodriguez, to finish second in the overall competition.

Emerging as a protégé of Del Rio on SmackDown, the immense Clay was quickly signed by General Manager Theodore Long, making him a dangerous new part of the Friday night roster.

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